March is National Save Your Vision Month: What Are Your Plans?
One of the most important awareness campaigns in the eyecare profession happens in March with the onset of “Save Your Vision Month.” If...

How People With Different Kinds of Colour Blindness See the World
According to data available on the most comprehensive resource about colour blindness, quite a lot of us — around 0.5% of women and 8% of...

Will I damage my eyes if I don’t wear sunglasses?
Did you know it's just as important to protect your eyes from the sun's harmful rays as it is to shield your skin? Carnival is almost...

Why Spending Over $5000 on Glasses is Worth It!
Yes, I am talking about one pair, and it isn't crazy or even unusual for people who understand quality eyewear to spend that much and...

How Progressives/Multifocal Lenses Work!
Just as eyeglass frames have continually changed to reflect the latest fashions, eyeglass lenses also have evolved. This is particularly...

MultiFocal Contact Lens
Once we reach our mid-40s, presbyopia - the normal, age-related loss of flexibility of the lens inside our eye - makes it difficult for...

Astigmatism is not an Eye Disease!
Astigmatism is one of the most common vision problems, but most people don't know what it is. Many people are relieved to learn that...

What We Shouldn't Do Without... Prescription Sunglasses!
If you currently wear eyeglasses for nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism, you should strongly consider purchasing a second...